Friday, September 21, 2012


Math facts
Cursive due Monday
This week we...
*learned how to find factors of a number
*learned about arrays
*baked banana bread with left over bananas from the kitchen - Thanks Mrs. Curtis!
*made fresh fruit juice with Mrs. Buck's juicer - Thanks Mrs. Buck!
*listened to "the talk" with Mrs. Pamboukes and Mr. Lendrum
*worked on a Writing of the Week assignment. We learned about introductions, details, and conclusions in paragraphs
*practiced test taking strategies
*had picture day! Yay!
*worked on to practice math facts
*practiced "no excuse" words on
*practiced observing a specific spot on the playground
*had our first instrument lessons
*learned to play Bananagrams
*started soccer
*had a late start day so teachers could get together for team curriculum work
*ate lunch with the kindergarteners
*worked on fundraiser illustrations in art class
*played a song on metalaphones in music
*got new books from the PTO book fair! Thank you PTO!
*did reading assessments (DRAs) *had a fire drill last week
*celebrated Alyssa's birthday with cupcakes. Thanks Alyssa!
*learned about the upcoming election in computers and library
*started bus captains

1 comment:

  1. Great post! The fact that you means someone is reading and liking it! Congrats!That’s great advice.

